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Plan: Pro and Enterprise | Version: 4.21+

The Network dashboards in the Unleash Admin UI are designed to give you an overview of incoming requests to your Unleash instance. This includes requests from Unleash SDKs, Unleash Edge, the Unleash proxy or the Unleash Admin UI.

To use these dashboards, you must configure an external data source.

Requests from Unleash SDKs and other official Unleash applications include an application name. Requests that don't include an application name header (UNLEASH_APPNAME) are marked and aggregated as unknown.

You can access the Network dashboards in Admin > Network in the Unleash Admin UI.


The Overview section displays the Unleash instance and applications that have connected to it within the last five minutes. Unknown applications are excluded from this view.

Each application in the diagram includes its name and the average number of requests per second over the last five minutes.


The Traffic section presents the requests that have consumed the most network traffic in the last six hours. These requests are grouped by client and base URL, with up to ten groups displayed.

Unleash aggregates requests by application name and base URL. Base URLs are batched using the first two path segments after /api. This means that Admin API requests are separate from Client API requests.

Connected Edges


Plan: Enterprise

Unleash version: 6.8+ | Unleash Edge version: 19.7+

The Connected Edges dashboard provides detailed observability metrics for Unleash Edge, helping teams efficiently manage all their connected Edge instances. The dashboard offers a high-level view of all hosted Edge instances, with deeper insights into instance ID, region, CPU and memory usage, and upstream/downstream latency.

This data helps you ensure that all instances are operational and quickly identify potential issues.

Data Usage

The Data Usage dashboard provides an overview of your requests to Unleash within a specific month, along with aggregated data over the last 3, 6, or 12 months. This allows you to track and assess your data usage over time. You can also compare your usage in previous months with the current month.

Configure a data source

To populate the Network dashboard with data, you can integrate with Prometheus, or similar tools.

The network view relies on an external Prometheus-compatible API for generating diagrams. You must set the PROMETHEUS_API environment variable to the base path of the Prometheus installation.

  - job_name: unleash_internal_metrics
metrics_path: /internal-backstage/prometheus
- targets: ['unleash-url']

You can configure Prometheus to retrieve data from the Unleash internal backstage API, such as through a scraping job.

This setup creates a mutual dependency where Prometheus fetches data from Unleash's backstage API, and Unleash retrieves the data from Prometheus and displays it in the Network dashboards.